Lemon and chia! It is the only thing you will need to prepare this incredible natural remedy to deflate the belly.

The lemon shake and chia seeds is able to give you a huge number of benefits for your health.

Lemon is filled with anti-viral and antioxidant ingredient, which help our bodies completely debug and maintain all kinds of diseases away from him.

In addition, the high fiber content present in the lemon is able to eliminate all kinds of toxins housed in our organism.

The chia meanwhile, is a little full of fiber and antioxidants seed wonderful for our overall health.

When these 2 incredible foods are combined, the results look like a real act of magic!

See below in detail, how to prepare this nutritious and detoxifying lemon and chia shake.


A glass of water
A spoonful of chia seeds
One spoon lemon juice
A spoonful of honey